How do I find an order made on a guest purchase?
Hover over "Marketplace" in the header and naviagate to "My Orders",
"My Refunds", or "Pay", then enter your refund address in to the text
box and click the "Find Orders" button.
How do I delete my account?
To delete your account hover over your profile in the top right corner,
click on settings, then hover over the 3 dots in the top right of your
profile settings and select "Delete Account Forever"
Why use JabberBot?
- All
important activity for your account will be sent in a non-sensitive
notification message to your XMPP address. This helps notify you of new
orders, messages, and security changes to keep you up-to-date!
What should I know about Monero?
- Monero is a privacy centric cryptocurrency built with security and anonimity in mind
Why do you only accept Monero?
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have public ledgers which are more easily
traceable which puts users at a greater risk of tracking and
deanonimization, so we've opted to only accept Monero
- Monero provides heightened security during transactions through various features to protect your privacy
- Features include Multiple Keyrings per transaction (including dummies),
fungibility, low cost per coin, ASIC resistant, dynamic scalability,
and many more
Where can I get Monero?
- Monero can be purchased through various platforms from crypto exchanges, to crypto atms, and even peer to peer or locally
- You can find a list of exchanges, atms, and peer to peer networks on the official Monero website
- We encourage users to research the option that is best for them, their privacy and safety
What's PGP?
(Pretty Good Privacy) is a symmetric encryption method that provides
cryptographic privacy, authentication, and verification through RSA and
- PGP encryption uses a serial combination of hashing, data compression, symmetric-key cryptography, and public-key cryptography
- PGP has been the privacy and encryption standard since 1997
Why do we use PGP?
- We use PGP to ensure and verify the security of our users and to protect communications from being intercepted by adversaries
- By using PGP you ensure you and your intended recipent(s) can see what is sent
How To Send Messages
- Once
you have a chat open, you can send a message by entering your desired
message in to the text box that says "Type your message..." you can also
click on the lock next to the send button if you want to automatically
encrypt your message with all participant's PGP keys.
How To Find PGP Keys
- To view PGP keys, for all members of a chat click "PGP Keys" in the top right of a message thread.
How To Wipe Messages
- To
delete all messages, hover over the 3 dots in the top right of the
messages page and click "Delete All Messages" you will then receive a
warning pop up, ensure you understand and click "Delete All Messages"